// August 12, 2015
What the f**k is a Project Space?
// General Public lädt in Kooperation mit nGbK e.V. zu einer Gesprächsrunde.
im Rahmen des Project Space Festival 2015 ein
// in der nGbK, Berlin, 19:00
// October 22, 2014
Treffen zu GP's Zukunft / Town Hall Meeting
General Public lädt zu einer informellen Gesprächsrunde.
20:00 Uhr
Lychener Straße 60
10437 Berlin
// October 01, 2014
The White Cube Inheritance / Is Art Public?
An evening length talk by Jeremiah Day
// August 11, 2012
Eine offene Diskussion zu den Förderstrukturen für die Bildende Kunst in Berlin
// June 16, 2012
What Was The European Union?
On The Occasion of The Elections in Greece
// Sunday, June 17th
// 19:00
An evening of discussion, performance, and reflection. Re-framing the debate by considering the root issues and ultimate stakes of the European Project.
event in english
// June 07, 2012
oscillation series - sonic theories and practices #16 - Musical Print and EM-Sniffing
with Mara Mills, Victor Mazón Gardoqui and Mario de Vega
// May 26, 2012
The Continuing Arendt Public Working Group
Summer 2012: Arendt’s On Revolution
Led by Fred Dewey
// May 12, 2012
reSource event 001: Trial Crack - DAY 2: Panels
reSource transmedial culture berlin / a two day programme
// January 21, 2012
Saturday Reading Group: Hannah Arendt / Karl Jaspers
January 21 – March 24, 2012
every Saturday at 11 am
Led by Fred Dewey
// November 27, 2011
oscillation series - sonic theories and practices #14 - Seismology and Sound
with Volker Strebel and Florian Dombois
// November 19, 2011
Hannah Arendt’s The Crisis in Culture: It's Social and It's Political Significance
Saturday, November 19th 2011
17.00 – open end
General Public is pleased to host the closing event for this yearlong project exploring the intersection between Hannah Arendt's work and cultural practice: a flowing evening of informal presentation, discussion and exchange.
// November 05, 2011
Künstlerische Aktionsform: Grundeinkommen
Workshop mit Enno Schmidt
November 05, 11.00 - 15.00 Uhr
// October 29, 2011
International Conference organized by Berliner Gazette.
// September 02, 2011
Die beiden Berliner Kuratoren des The KNOT Oliver Baurhenn (DISK/CTM) und Markus Bader (raumlabor) freuen sich gemeinsam mit dem Jovis Verlag und den Projektpartnern Polnisches Institut Berlin und Goethe Institut Warschau zur Buchpräsentation im General Public einladen zu dürfen.
// August 15, 2011
la-condition-japonaise in general: Experiments with Sensors
with Annie Goh, Mari Matsutoya, Shingo Inao and Chikashi Miyama
// August 07, 2011
oscillation series - sonic theories and practices #12 - Gilbert Simondon and Sonic Theory
with Patrick Harrop
// July 30, 2011
Saturday Reading Group: Arendt/Benjamin
June & July, each Saturday at 11AM
next meeting: Saturday July 30th
Organized and led by Fred Dewey
hosted by Michael Schultze
// July 14, 2011
evening talk between Joachim Schmid and Penelope Umbrico
// July 11, 2011
oscillation series - sonic theories and practices #11 - Sonic Specters and Electronic Ghosts
with Anthony Enns and Annie Goh
// July 07, 2011
la-condition-japonaise in general: Poetics of Imagination and Translation
with Ryuta Tanaka, Masayo Kajimura and Eisaku Nagira
// June 26, 2011
oscillation series - sonic theories and practices #10 - The acoustic & More
with Brandon LaBelle
// June 20, 2011
Eine offene Diskussion über kulturpolitische Handlungsmöglichkeiten
// May 29, 2011
oscillation series - sonic theories and practices #9 - The Politics of Listening
Rachel O’Dwyer and Gilles Aubry (moderated by Jan Thoben and Shintaro Miyazaki)
// May 07, 2011
Jeremiah Day - Hannah Arendt's Crisis in Culture
Reading Group and Lecture Series May, 2011
May 7th, May 14th, May 21st, May 28th
Reading Group 11:00; Lecture/Discussion Series 16:00
A series of reading groups (RSVP), lectures and discussions on Hannah Arendt's aesthetic theory, e-mail for details: generalpublic_readinggroup@hotmail.com
// April 21, 2011
The change of perspectives is a dangerous game
Minhocão / The Indians / National Motives
3 Films by Raphael Grisey
// April 17, 2011
oscillation series - sonic theories and practices #7 - Translation and Sonification
with Jan Philip Müller and Michael Chinen
// March 20, 2011
oscillation series - sonic theories and practices #6 - Aesthetics of Failures and Hybridization in Turkish Popvantgarde
Holger Lund and Serhat Koksal
// March 04, 2011
Book launch of "Insect Media: An Archaeology of Animals and Technology"
Jussi Parikka (Author) in discussion with Shintaro Miyazaki
// February 27, 2011
oscillation series - sonic theories and practices #5 - Echostate, Resonances and Politics
with Stephen Kennedy and Kabir Carter
// January 25, 2011
Booklaunch/screening/presentation - Indicated by Signs
Contested Public Space, Gendered Bodies, and Hidden Sites of Trauma in Contemporary Visual Art Practices
// October 24, 2010
oscillation series - sonic theories and practices #3 - The Voice in Audio Media
with: Jens Gerrit Papenburg and Erik Bünger (moderated by Jan Thoben and Shintaro Miyazaki)
// August 01, 2010
oscillation series - sonic theories and practices #1
with Axel Volmar, Stephane Leonard moderated by Jan Thoben and Shintaro Miyazaki
// December 08, 2009
Alan Shapiro & Alexis Clancy on Tour: New Computer Science
Inscribe Philosophy into the Heart of Computer Science. A presentation, talk and lecture.
// November 20, 2009
STRUCTURES NODE 3: In Between Categories
A discoursive weekend
> Art and media in berlin - past present future
// November 12, 2009
Atmosphären des klanglichen Raumes
ein Vortrag von Prof. Dr. Gernot Böhme
// September 11, 2009
Structures Node 2 – Blind Capture
The 2-day symposium Blind Capture focusses on three themes: the balance between visual art and contemporary experimental music, from images and sound to a look at the structure of the music scene in contemporary Berlin. With David Stubbs, Jesper N. Jørgensen, Sandra Naumann, Lillevan and others.
// June 27, 2009
Made in Gina
mit Ursula Panhans-Bühler (Vortrag) und Sascha Hahn
// February 26, 2009
Small Structures Are Beautiful
Präsentation der etc. galerie, Prag, mit Jiří Skála und Markéta Vinglerová
// February 14, 2009
Podiumsdiskussion über die Kultur des Wassers mit Isabel Kranz, Jean-Luc Nancy und Joseph Vogl, Moderation Krystian Woznicki. Präsentiert von berlinergazette.de.
// December 04, 2008
Podiumsdiskussion über Institution und Gemeinschaft. Mit Tanja Bogusz, Jan Engelmann, Jan Rohlf, Moderation: Krystian Woznicki. Präsentiert von berlinergazette.de.
// September 25, 2008
Weiche Macht
Podiumsdiskussion über Kultur und Gemeinschaft, konzipiert und präsentiert von der Berliner Gazette
// September 07, 2008
Book Launch: Discoteca Flaming Star "mil veras mil prinzessinnen mil centralias"
PART 1: Sep.7: Book Launch + installation of new grey banner + drawings + dj "martina nie tita"
PART 2: Sep.8: Book Launch + installation of new grey banner + drawings+ filmscreening "the spirit of the beehive (1973, by victor erice)"
// May 08, 2008
The Mousetrap Book
Paneldiscussion and screening on occasion of the presentation of "The Mousetrap Book: On dealing with institutions in contemporary curatorial practice" by Aneta Szylak (Ed.)
// April 08, 2008
Never the Same as it Was
Screening and lecture on the films and videos of Die Tödliche Doris by Alena Williams
// June 25, 2007
Timeline der deutschen Normalisierung
Präsentation und Gespräch von und mit Nationalism Reloaded.
// April 26, 2007
Juan Maidagan & Dolores Zinny - In Scale On The Cover
Buchpräsentation/Bookrelease & Gespräch/Talk
// April 03, 2007
Projekt M
Ingeborg Lockemann und Elke Mohr: "Projekt M" – Präsentation/Katalogrelease