Juan Maidagan & Dolores Zinny - In Scale On The Cover |
// Date: April 26 // Time: 20:00
Buchpräsentation/Bookrelease & Gespräch/Talk
Juan Maidagan & Dolores Zinny - In Scale On The Cover
IN SCALE ON THE COVER. (An homenage IN IT’S indexical THIRD order). Left hillside. Summit. El Pungo. Sierras de Cordoba. Right hillside. Pond. Grazing field. Flower field. Lily of the valley. House next to the trail. Rusznak‘s Public Library, Reading room. Cover of El Frac by Ulisses Nobody in Biblioteca Publica Rusznak. La Cumbre. Inscription in the first page of El Frac. Prologue of El Frac by Jorge Luis Borges. La Place Vendome (El Frac). Index of El Frac. Ulisses Nobody ie Luis Felipe Ferrari (b.1895 Chiasso). 1935 ”La tragedia de un genio”; 1937 ”Saskia”; 1939 ”En Misión a Misiones”; 1955 ”Apunti di un viandante”; 1961 ”El Frac”. House of David Paar. Lost by fire. Fisherton. House of David Paar. Lost by fire. Fisherton. Railway Station Antartida Argentina Fisherton. Platform. Rails. Station view. Wooden door. Fireplace. Tiles. Staircase. Upstairs windows. Window case and Underwriters Laboratories Inc. Aleph inserted. Exterior wall. Facade.
> April 26, 2007
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