reSource event 001: Trial Crack - DAY 1: collective discussion |
// Date: May 11, 2012
// Time: 15:00 - 19:00
// Free entry
// Partner Event after the discussion: LIEBIG12; 19:00 until late
The reSource transmedial culture berlin comes back after the transmediale festival with a two day programme under the name of Trial Crack, scheduled on May 11-12. On May 11 a collective discussion on logic of artistic production with cultural producers based in Berlin (15:00-19:00). On May 12 three different but conceptually linked discussions: Sustainable Disruption (13:00-14:50); Post Privacy (15:30-17:00) and Queer Shifts (17:30-19:00).
DAY 1 - collective discussion (click here for DAY 2)
The first day of Trial Crack proposes a collective discussion on networking methodologies of curating and distributed logic of artistic production with cultural producers based in Berlin. What is the responsibility and the role of cultural institutions engaging with art and digital technologies, towards a critical articulation of culture production? We aim to discuss and share our current reflections and share with the rest of participants ideas on how to build a stronger connection between local - and translocal - agents in the fields of critical media, art and hacktivism in the city.
The discussion is introduced by: Tatiana Bazzichelli and Kristoffer Gansing (transmediale), Stéphane Bauer (Kunstraum Kreuzberg /Bethanien), Oliver Baurhenn, Jan Rohlf, Remco Schuurbiers (CTM/Disk), Clemens Apprich and Oliver Lerone Schultz (Post-Media Lab, Leuphana University of Lüneburg), who will open up the discussion to the audience. Confirmed participants are: Reboot.fm, Weise 7, C-Base, Supermarkt, ArtLaboratoryBerlin, Artconnect Berlin, Citizen Kino, Leap Gallery, Liebig12, Skulpturen Park, Visual Berlin, Florian Wüst (Haben und Brauchen), Krystian Woznicki (Berliner Gazette), Panke, Ausland, AV Node Festival, Gegen, Daz, Free Museum, Share Festival, Coded Cultures, re:publica, a.o.
You are more than welcome to join us, please rsvp via email to confirm your attendance: resource(at)transmediale.de or pass by.
More info: reSource transmedial culture berlin
What is resource?
The reSource is the new year-round initiative of transmediale festival, in partnership with CTM/DISK, Kunstraum Kreuzberg /Bethanien and the Post-Media Lab (Leuphana University of Lüneburg). The reSource is a project of networking, a work in progress based on the inter-connection of genres & practices, which aims to create occasions of sharing and reflections by bringing together communities and individuals who work critically with art, technology, politics and identity. The reSource programme is curated by Tatiana Bazzichelli (transmediale festival).
Illustration by Jonas Frankki.
> May 11, 2012
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