This Walk V. will be realized in collaboration with Club der Internationalen Raumforscher Berlin.
"The storyteller takes what he tells from experience‚ his own or that reported by others. And he in turn makes it the experience of those who are listening to his tale." W. Benjamin
Once Upon A Time (Campfire Stories) is structured in four strategies: Conducting extensive (more or less random) walks through the city in search for people and stories, collecting the stories and returning them to the mobile unit where people will gather in the evenings to tell them to each other. Furthermore local storytellers will be invited to the unit where they tell their stories of the city. Then making creative use of the walks and the city by coming up with possible plots for stories "once upon a time" and finally collecting and adding stories and "once upon a time" through out the entire duration of
THE KNOT in all three cities and establishing some sort of archive which should be accessible inside the mobile unit."
Throughout the duration of the project a number of walks will take place. They will start - according to weather and route - at particular places in the city and will end at THE KNOT's Mobile Unit location where the participants will give account of their walking-experience.
Everybody is invited to participate in the walks. There will also be a number of story-telling-events held at the THE KNOT.
If you want take part in one of the walks pls. call:
030 - 44308426 or
write to Heimo Lattner
>> email
Pls.: check website frequently for updates or sign up on the mailing-list here at
GP or at
Further dates
come to Warsaw!
Passed dates
WALK I: Saturday May 1st, at 2pm: S-Bahn Station Wannsee to Kulturforum
th, 14h, Meeting Point S2 - Attila Straße, ending point: THE KNOT on Mariannenplatz, duration: 5hrs
WALK III: Saturday May 15th
meeting point: 12h00 S-Bahnstation Ahrensfelde (S7) or earlier at 11h00 U-Bahnhof Eberswalder Str. (U2)
final destination: Mariannenplatz (Kreuzberg)
WALK IV: Saturday May 15th
meeting point: 13h00 S-Bahnstation Oberspree (S85 & 86) or earlier at 12h00 U-Bahnhof Eberswalder Str. (U2)
final destination: Airfield Tempelhof (northeast corner of the park - entrance Columbiadamm)
Further Information: