Life Without Weekend |
General Public & DISK/CTM at P/////AKT, Amsterdam
Work in process / Exhibition
// Opening Fr 16.6.
// Exhibition 17.6. – 8.7.2006
// Venue: P/////AKT, Zeeburgerpad 53, 1019 AB Amsterdam
// Opening times: Thu – Sun 2 –6 pm and special events (see below)
A play with the elementary and awkward question: Does work begin when leisure ends? Or: What is work when work is leisure? Or: Where to locate leisure, when leisure is work?
When P//////AKT offered General Public members Remco Schuurbiers, Jan Rohlf and Oliver Baurhenn the option to conceptualize and realize a show in Amsterdam the question What, How and for Whom was of course inherent. Likewise the question how to make it possible to stay in Amsterdam for four weeks and to entirely focus on this one project without loosing track with the plenitude of projects already in the making.
Instead of curating an exhibition in the usual sense, we agreed on a test arrangement: three desks, three individuals, three nodes, four intersections. We decided to de- and re-contextualize the fabric made from our daily work, our projects, network and habits that embraces us, and simply drag and stretch it all along to Amsterdam. Recreating our workspace at P/////AKT thus becomes the starting point for paradoxical activity: the continuation of ongoing processes and a disrupt in the fabric the same time.
Remco Schuurbiers, Jan Rohlf and Oliver Baurhenn do not only share their collective work as part of the General Public collective. Since seven years they closely work together as organizers of DISK/ club transmediale and in 2004 instigated and since then operate Inn.to, the studio house that hosts General Public. Beyond collective activities each of the three follows his individual track being an artist or cultural organiser: Remco Schuurbiers is a photographer and video artist, organizes the Pingpongcountry event series and amongst other things works closely with theatre director Ivan Stanev. Jan Rohlf dips into the fascinations and attractions carried out on us by the human body, materials, surfaces and spatial structures. His drawings, objects and sculptures walk the line between biological and synthetic worlds and the imaginary connecting the two. Furthermore he translates the plays of noted Canadian actress and theatre director Marie Brassard. Oliver Baurhenn is a member of the international cultural network PRUIG, and as a podcaster investigates thematic questions on the basis of literary and philosophical writings.
At P/////AKT two guiding motifs will be in the foreground and mutually challenge each other: On the one hand "Life Without Weekend" is conceived as a work in process in the form of a public open platform, with cooperation, spontaneity, discussion and involvement of social processes as key elements. On the other hand we attempt to integrate each of our individual positions in the form of work presentations or „exhibitions“, that otherwise only partially inform our collective projects. The basis of the intervention at P/////AKT is provided by our personal notion of “work”: to act process-oriented within a social structure. This demands to throw overboard the distinct disjunction of work and private life – in favour of a life without weekend.
Part I
Fr. 16.6. Grand Opening
With works by Birgit Glatzel, Remco Schuurbiers, Jan Rohlf and Oliver Baurhenn
Sat. 17.6. DISK-Session* > canceled
Part II
Fr. 23.6. 2006 Remco Schuurbiers – solo show
Sat. 24.6.2006 DISK-Session* 09: Florintintin & Antistrot
Sun 25.6.2006 CTM on AIR****: Natalie Bruys and Remco Schuurbiers
Thu 29.6. Originalfassung (in Dutch or English)** #45 : postponed to 6.7.
Part III
30.6.2006 Jan Rohlf – solo show
Sat. 1.7.2006 DISK-Session* 10: Byungjun Kwon & Hee-Seung Choi
Sun 2.7.2006 CTM on AIR****: Oliver Baurhenn
Thu – Wed 2.7. – 5.7.2006 Interlude***
Thu 6.7.2006 Originalfassung ** #46: Volker Morave (////fur//////////, DE) & Onno Poiesz (NL)
Part IV
Fri 7.7.2007 Works by Jan Rohlf & Onno Poiesz
Sat 8.7.2007 DISK-Session* 11: Marc Weiser (Rechenzentrum, DE) & Autokolor (DE)
Sun 9.7.2006 CTM on AIR****: Marc Weiser
* DISK Sessions are conceived as an irregular series of performances and presentations for a small audience and present the work of artists, who engage in the experimental exploration of the acoustic realm and the relation of sound and image. It is a format to present material and projects in progress and to encourage a direct and personal communication between artist/presenter and audience.
** ORIGINALFASSUNG (original version) is a series of talks and discussions based on an understanding of collaboration rather than competition, motivated by the curiosity of strangers or visitors to tap into different fields, such as science, music, architecture, art, dance, choreography, theatre, film, politics, design, media, economics, journalism. ORGINALFASSUNG is a project by Geoff Garrison, Heimo Lattner, Oliver Baurhenn, Cecile Belmont and Angelika Middendorf.
*** INTERLUDE is a series of readings that start each day at 18h. The chosen texts deal with the issue „work“. With texts excerpts of Siegfried Kracauer, Hannah Arendt a.o. The readings and the subsequent discussions will be broadcasted as Podcasts under > www.autokolor.org/oliverpod (in German language).
**** CTM on AIR is a series of radio shows hosted by DISK/ club transmediale that presents adventurous and experimental music. The features will be broadcasted live on air through Berlin’s Radio 1:1 and streamed on the internet. The free radio project Radio 1:1 presents a new cultural radio format on 95,2 MHz / UKW in Berlin and on the Web. Building up on experiences made within past free radio projects, most markedly reboot.fm, Radio 1:1 develops an automated "documentary radio", that broadcasts recordings of concerts, parties, readings, lectures and discussion rounds. Listeners can tune into a broad aural spectrum that reflects Berlin's cultural production.
> www.pakt.nu
> www.diskberlin.de
> www.radioeinzueins.de
> June 17, 2006
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