Music still goes video pt. 2! On current developments in music video |
Presentation by Cornelia Lund (Hamburg University) and Holger Lund (DHBW Ravensburg), with video examples // Date: Friday, August 9, 2013 // Time: 20:30h The loss of MTV and its formatted structures as a central display was maybe after all blessing for the music video. It is as vivid as ever and shows great flexibility in developing new forms and experimenting with new aesthetics and topics. The presentation will explore some of these developments – and, of course, many video examples will be shown. Two tendencies will be examined this time, “music video goes global” and “music video goes gender”. As music is globalized, its aesthetics and its subjects are going to be multi-referential and multi-centered. Are you a man, are you a woman? – these polarities seem to be over, when it comes to the idea of performing gender. In the “laboratory” as Lev Manovich called “the genre of music video” there are new solutions developed. A cooperation between General Public and fluctuating images. www.fluctuating-images.de
> August 09, 2013
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