// Date: Thursday, October 25, 2012
// Time: 20h
// Raum für Projektion @ General Public, Schönhauser Allee 167c, 10435 Berlin
Fuck off copyright. Fuck off Nike. People want Nike? I will make millions of Nike! I will give them the Nikes and they will feel free? They will feel happy for twenty minutes? Maybe yes. Maybe no. I don´t know but this is very tricky. Because during the time of the crisis people started to make that: falsification of everything. You know just to keep inside the world. The idea of crisis here was: We will be out of the world.
* Hacerme Feriante is a movie by Julian d´Angiolillo about an illegal market in Buenos Aires. On this market work up to 5000 people. Mainly illegally copied branded cloth, records and movies are sold - the so called "truchos". They are produced in the surrounding factories. This illegal markets are a big economical factor for the poorer parts of the population of Argentina and Latin America.
° Florencia Cabeza: Los videos son tres. Dos son de fábricas recuperadas, una de la imprenta y la otra de una fábrica de globos artesanales...El tercer video es el de una acción que hice en la calle sobre la expropiación de las fábricas, un pedido al estado nacional por eso llego con la acción hasta el congreso... y las serigrafías las pensaba a modo de catálogo, con el cuadro de la explicación de fábricas.
~ Vanina Saracino will provide an introduction about the Retaken Factory Movement explaining the origin of this alternative way of organizing the industrial production, and the specific context of deep economic crisis in Argentina.
¡program is changing constantly!
after the crisis festival by graw böckler. festival team: paulina jeziorek, vanina saracino, catarina santos. supported by bezirksamt pankow von berlin, amt für weiterbildung und kultur, fb kunst und kultur.