// May 20, 2010
Ein mehrwöchiges Seminar von Caspar Clemens Mierau und Magdalena Taube, organisiert von der Berliner Gazette.
// September 17, 2009
get the basics of your gadgets!" Arduino-Workshop
mit A. Honda + S. Miyazaki (Institut für Algoryhthmik, Berlin)
// November 22, 2008
Migrating Reality (II) - Régime
Side-program for the Second International Congress on Migration with workshops and exhibition.
// October 14, 2008
Programming with Max/MSP/Jitter - Beginners workshop
Beginners workshop by media artist Peter Votava. Max/MSP/Jitter is a programming language with a graphical interface to connect music, videos, 3D, MIDI, sensors, networkcommunication, and more.