// October 01, 2014
The White Cube Inheritance / Is Art Public?
An evening length talk by Jeremiah Day
// May 31, 2013
Live performance for voice and gesture + Exhibition of drawings and scores with Tomomi Adachi and Alessandra Eramo
// May 22, 2013
Morgenvogel Uncaged
Ein Abend mit Maria-Leena Räihälä, Manuel Bonik, Lyndsey Cockwell and the Berlin Pop Choir
Beginn: 19h
// January 11, 2013
Eva-Maria Offermann – Plakate // paper with proposition
Robert Heel – Märchenwald
Grafisches Konzert // live performance and grafics
// August 24, 2012
Flags up sunrise at 06:11
Flags down sunset at 20:11
+ CLOSING CEREMONY from 20:00 sharp.
A project by Sonja Hornung
// May 15, 2012
Floating Gaps
Performance Chronik Basel (1968–1986)
Buchpräsentation mit Live Performances:
Dorothea Rust: ANNA VI - Floating Gaps
Steffi Weismann: LapStrap #Memory
Die Performance Chronik Basel wird vorgestellt von den Herausgeberinnen Sabine Gebhardt Fink und Margarit von Büren.
// March 31, 2012
by Jacob C. Morris and Victoria Miguel
At the launch of The Proconsul Edition #3
my favourite words, phrases, sentences, and paragraphs
by Victoria Miguel
// December 31, 2011
or Where did it all go wrong?
the last night of the year - 31.12. 2011
from 9 PM
DJs: Thomas Meier and Sven Drühl + guests
// December 10, 2011
Index Festival (NY) showcase with live performances, sound and video installation, and festival documentation
// December 03, 2011
raum für projektion
Exhibition & Screening by Regina de Miguel
// November 27, 2011
oscillation series - sonic theories and practices #14 - Seismology and Sound
with Volker Strebel and Florian Dombois
// October 21, 2011
these matters that with myself I too much discuss, too much explain
book installation and performance by Alessio delli Castelli
// October 14, 2011
The Aromatic Mandala
A Talk on the Impromptu by David Medalla, introduced by Adam Nankervis, followed by a Participatory Performance.
// September 23, 2011
DUO PERFO : boris d hegenbart-matsui / yoshio machida
an art performance organised by Alice Cannava
// September 12, 2011
Autofocus - The Performance Night
Jumping The Shark /LA Homicide, Performance von Jeremiah Day, 19 Uhr
Bleib ganz ruhig, da wird schon nichts sein, Performance von Käthe Kruse, 20 Uhr
Drinks will be served & the exhibition can be seen for the last night
// July 16, 2011
naivsuper Book & PogoBooks v03
Fotografie, Zeichnung, Malerei, Grafik, Künstlerbücher und Zines
// April 02, 2011
Rewind>Play>>Fast Forward? The Past, Present and Future of Music Video
Booklaunch and Video Battle
// March 08, 2011
Munn, Negrão & Kristinsson
la gioiosa macchina da guerra in collaboration with general public presents
// January 22, 2011
Junk Jet #4 and Occulto – Magazine releases
Junk Jet special: graphic art & dj junk and vj jet
Occulto special: graphic material with anticipations of the new issue's contents, presentation of related print products, musicj & visual projections
// January 07, 2011
Screening Instructional Films Pt. 2/Audiovisual Performance - Early American Avant-Garde
Six shorts by Robert Heel and an audiovisual performance by Robert Heel and Jan Hertz
// November 07, 2010
la-condition-japonaise in general November No. 2
with Fumie Hihara (koto) and Larry Porter (dance performance)
// November 05, 2010
la-condition-japonaise in general November No. 1
with Fumie Hihara (koto) and Ayaka Azechi (dance performance)
// October 25, 2010
Additional Particular Screenings, Etc. 4
Halloween at General Public
// October 24, 2010
oscillation series - sonic theories and practices #3 - The Voice in Audio Media
with: Jens Gerrit Papenburg and Erik Bünger (moderated by Jan Thoben and Shintaro Miyazaki)
// October 14, 2010
a performance by Labrador + p.ma
// October 03, 2010
Come up here Bigmouth / Somewhere over the Rainbow
Die Lücke als das Korrektiv für verinnerlichte Kontrollmechanismen.
Songs, TV- und Filmaufnahmen, Performances.
Unerträgliches und scheinbare Entgleisungen, vorgestellt von Heimo Lattner + Wolfgang Mayer
// September 27, 2010
Additional Particular Screenings Etc. 2
Structural Episodes
// September 10, 2010
la-condition-japonaise in general
with Meri Nikula and Tetsuya Hori
// September 05, 2010
oscillation series - sonic theories and practices #2
with Shintaro Miyazaki and Martin Howse moderated by Jan Thoben
// September 01, 2010
Screenings in General #19
with videomusican Gabriel Shalom
// August 17, 2010
Be Invisible Now! - sound performance
in co-operation with AC Galerie + Occulto Magazine
// August 12, 2010
la-condition-japonaise in general
with Diana Combo, Judith Umana & Tomoko Kawao and Shingo Inao
// August 01, 2010
oscillation series - sonic theories and practices #1
with Axel Volmar, Stephane Leonard moderated by Jan Thoben and Shintaro Miyazaki
// June 23, 2010
Helmut Qualtinger liest aus Adolf Hitlers 'Mein Kampf'.
Audio-Installation / "Tonband"-Lesung
// May 29, 2010
Once Upon A Time - Summary
Heimo Lattner presents his project conceived for THE KNOT - Part I: Berlin
// May 25, 2010
Chihei Hatakeyama & Michael Chinen
curated by Midori Hirano in cooperation with la-condition-japonaise and general public
// May 13, 2010
a sound performance by Gentileza
// April 30, 2010
la-condition-japonaise in general
“The Same Day” & "AO" with Miki Isojima and Ayaka Azechi
// February 13, 2010
EL FOG , sound performance
Masayoshi Fujita presents his latest album "Rebuilding Vibes"
// December 10, 2009
la-condition-japonaise in general
an evening of oscillating powers
// November 24, 2009
Plattenpräsentation - Sabine Marte (feministische Video- und Performancekünstlerin, SV Damenkraft), Markus Marte (Gitarrist, Sänger und Scapewriter) und Oliver Stotz (Gustav & Band)
// November 13, 2009
la-condition-japonaise - expanded network
with musical contributions of Takashi Wada (guitar) + Rui Faustino (drums)
// October 17, 2009
/mode +v noise by Goto10
_____-micro research [berlin]" in collaboration with "Institute of Algorhythmics" presents:
// September 06, 2009
Pan Am Scan
Experimental sound performance.
// July 31, 2009
Ryan Jordan presents his Sensory Response Systems
(audio performance with electronics and sensors)
in cooperation with _____-micro research [berlin]
// July 05, 2009
Fluxus live coding with Dave Griffiths
Fluxus live coding with Dave Griffithsc and [xxxxx_micro-]workshop participants at General Public.
// July 03, 2009
Serious Behavior Series #2
Ausstellung von Piso Collective
// June 27, 2009
On this day General Public becomes one of the nodes in an experimental 12 hour event distributed across Berlin locations, inter-network and radio space. It is the second event in the series by micro_research [Berlin].
// May 30, 2009
performance:::: MOTHERLAND + MAKITA
emotronic - bossa nova - idol pop by MOTHERLAND meets powerbook death metal by MAKITA
// May 23, 2009
Jamming Through Runtime
Jamming Through Runtime with Valentina Vuksic [CH] and [xxxxx_micro-]workshop participants at General Public. Acoustic science fiction trips through the magnetic spheres of laptop motherboards.